Tuesday 3 June 2014

Today's proverbs

Appearances are deceptive – Internal truth of a person is usually different from what is visible outside. 
You should not believe strangers immediately. Appearances can be deceptive. 

Never judge by appearances – Don’t use looks as the criteria to assess someone. 
I saw the CEO of a big blue chip company hanging out with his friends at a local market in casual attire. Its true that you can’t judge someone by their appearance.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away – An apple eaten everyday keeps you in good health. 
My father has always stayed in a good health with his habit of eating an apple everyday. For him, An apple a day keeps the doctor away has worked well.

Actions speak louder than words – What people do shows more about them than what they just say. 
Hearing about her friend’s illness, she directly reached the hospital with a cheque of 50,000 Rs/-. Her concern was evident – after all, actions speak louder than words. 

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