Kristin : Hello, Vijaya, Happy Deepavali to you and your family !Vijaya : Thank you. Do come in. I'm glad you have come.
To wish
(B)To request
(C)To welcome
(D)to inform
2.Keane : The race will start at 8 a.m., won't it ?Clerk : That's right. After registration, you have to assemble at the starting line in the field.
To inform
(B)To greet
(C)To request
(D)To describe
3.Lily : Lehman fell while climbing up the rambutan tree.Rose : I shouldn't have asked him to pluck the rambutans.
(A)To complain
To regret
(C)To apologize
(D)To advise
4.Ronnie : Our team played badly, especially I.Mat : It's all your fault. You have let the team down.
(A)To advise
To blame
(C)To warn
(D)To protest
5.David : Hello, Sam. You look worried. can I help you ?Sam : Could you lend me twenty dollars ? I need it urgently.
(A)To inform
(B)To describe
(C)To offer
To request
6.Billy : Why don't you borrow Aileen's bicycle ?Sarah : Her bicycle has a flat tyre.
(A)To offer
To explain
(C)To advise

To instruct

Answers : 1A    2A    3B    4B    5D    6B

Joe : That remark was uncalled for.Raymond : I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it.
To apologize
(B)To wish
(C)To blame
(D)To forgive
2.Rooney : Are we going now ?Mother : Yes. Don't forget to lock your room.
(A)To instruct
To remind
(C)To announce
(D)To inform
3.Kim : What shall we do this weekend ?May : Why don't we go on a picnic ?
(A)To welcome
(B)To praise
To suggest
(D)To advise
4.May Li : How dare you accuse me of cheating !Susan : I didn't say that.
To protest
(B)To complain
(C)To appeal
(D)To warn
5.Rose : Sara, may I borrow your umbrella, please ?Sara : I'm sorry I can't lend it to you. Why don't you borrow one from Wendy ?
To suggest
(B)To remind
(C)To encourage
(D)To advise
6.Charles : Gary, let's join Dark Glove's gang.Gary : No, I will never join them.
(A)To warn
(B)To regret
To refuse
(D)To apologize

Answers : 1A    2B    3C    4A    5A    6C

Owen : Please forgive me for being rude.Teacher : You're forgiven.
(A)To regret
(B)To protest
(C)To encourage
To forgive
2.Mother : I wonder why Sharon has not written for a long time.Barry : Don't worry. I'm sure he is fine.
To comfort
(B)To compliment
(C)To inform
(D)To remind
3.Mr. Wong : I'm donating two thousand dollars to the orphanage.Miss Lee : Thank you so much !
(A)To express pity
(B)To express relief
To express appreciation
(D)To express condolence
4.Prefect : No drinks will be provided on the trip.Peter : That's not fair. We paid for food and drinks.
(A)To advise
To protest
(C)To suggest
(D)To warn
5.Jenny : Should I take part in the contest ?Chin : Of course you should.
To encourage
(B)To remind
(C)To suggest
(D)To appeal
6.Daisy : The walkathon is on 20 June.Anne : Are you going to take part ?
(A)To inform
To enquire
(C)To offer
(D)To suggest

Answers : 1D    2A    3C    4B    5A    6B

Chairman : Are there any nominations for the post of treasurer ?Alan : I propose Karen for the post.
(A)To agree
(B)To request
(C)To offer
To propose
2.Kelvin : I've won the first prize, Mother.Mother : That's wonderful !
(A)To express interest
(B)To express relief
(C)To express gratitude
To express pleasure
3.Monitor : Why isn't the wastepaper basket emptied ?Harry : It's Roy's turn today. He never does his duty.
To accuse
(B)To refuse
(C)To propose
(D)to warn
4.Rosemary : I'm sorry I'm late for the meeting.Connor : It's all right.
(A)To wish
(B)To inform
(C)To welcome
To forgive
5.Peter : I'm afraid I've failed my driving test.Jane : Don't worry, you can try again.
(A)To announce
To console
(C)To remind
(D)To regret
6.Father : I'm giving you five dollars for the week.Eng Hock : It's not enough !
(A)To advise
(B)To explain
(C)To refuse
To protest

Answers : 1D    2D    3A    4D    5B    6D


Catherine : I won't forgive her. How can she do such a thing ?
Tim : Calm down. I'm sure she didn't mean to do it.

To demand

To pacify

To claim

To bargain


Sean : Ouch ! I stepped on a nail.
Roger : Are you all right ? Does you foot hurt ?

To express fear

To express displeasure

To express concern

To express relief


Dalton : I propose Bobby as our troop leader.
Tom : No. He is not a good leader.

To object

To confirm

To brief

To clarify


Robert : Give me all your money or I'll shoot.
Almond : Please don't kill me.

To deny

To claim

To discourage

To threaten


Mother : How about this dress ?
Amanda : No, I prefer the other one. This one makes me look so old.

To bargain

To scold

To command

To compare


Derek : I'm going to stay up to watch the football finals.
Ben : I advise you not to. You won't be able to wake up in time for school.

To threaten

To discourage

To deny

To inform


Answers : 1B    2C    3A    4D    5D    6B


Daisy : She is going to America tonight.
Tom : Who cares !

To express indifference

To express hope

To express envy

To express unwillingness


Abdul : Can you finish your assignment by Monday ?
Tammy : I'm sure I can finish my assignment on time.

To compromise

To assure

To hope

To admire


Darren : Are you coming for the concert ?
Andrew : Which concert ? I don't know anything about it.

To express indifference

To express disgust

To express ignorance

To express fear


Sarah : I hope we will make it to the finals this year.
Jasmine : We'll all try our best.

To promise

To hope

To console

To compromise


Alan : Why do you look so gloomy ?
Gary : I am so sad. I feel like crying.

To express shock

To express anger

To express preference

To express unhappiness


Andrew : He is the most popular boy in school.
Heather : He is ? I can't stand him at all !

To express disgust

To express envy

To express preference

To express anger


Answers : 1A    2B    3C    4B    5D    6A


David : I wish I had his brains. Then I wouldn't have to study so hard.
Shirley : So do I.

To assure

To confirm

To agree

To hope


Kerry : We won the Thomas Cup !
John : Are you sure ?

To suggest

To doubt

To assure

To hope


Student : I'm sorry for making so much noise in class today.
Teacher : Don't do it again.

To deny

To apologize

To assure

To hope


Tina : Who broke the glass ? It must be you.

To blame

To confirm

To accept

To deny


Hello, Ali ! Nice to see you.

to introduce

to inform

to compliment

to greet


Jacob : Well, it's getting late. I've to go now. See you tomorrow.
Don : See you.

to inform

to take leave

to promise

to offer


Answers : 1C    2B    3B    4A    5D    6B


Cathy : I wish I hadn't copied your essay ! Now the teacher will never trust me again.

to express anxiety

to express disappointment

to express regret

to express dislikes


Steven : Rothman ! Rothman !
Rothman : Oh ! It's you. Do come in.

to greet

to interrupt

to invite

to instruct


Jane : I just can't stand ...
Joseph : Yes, I know ! You can't stand talkative people. Well, no one asked you to listen.

to confirm

to interrupt

to accept

to protest


Sam : Could you speak a little slower, please ? I don't understand French very well.
Jean : Of course. Sorry

to demand

to beg

to direct

to request


Man : Wow ! You're looking good !

to compliment

to congratulate

to explain

to inform


Student : How did I do ?
Teacher : You got 60%.
Student : Only 60% ! I expected to do better.

to express disappointment

to express fear

to express regret

to express hope


Answers : 1C    2C    3B    4D    5A    6A


Ashley : I'm sure Ryan took it. I saw him near at it and then, suddenly, it wasn't there anymore.

to urge

to warn

to offer

to accuse


Boy : Will you marry me ?
Girl : Don't be silly. Who ever gets married at seventeen these days ?

to scold

to disagree

to reject

to criticize


Child : Mummy, I'm sorry I lied.
Mother : Well, don't do it again next time, alright ?

to forgive

to inform

to request

to apologize


Teacher : Now take out your Geography test books. I'm giving you a test.
Students : What ? You didn't tell us before hand ! We'll all fail !

to question

to protest

to explain

to decline


Bully : I'll get you for this ! Don't think you can ever get away with this.Nobody tricks me and doesn't live to regret it !

to blame

to urge

to threaten

to protest


Mrs. Tan : Like me to pick you up on my way ?
Miss Lee : Thanks. That'll be nice.

to compliment

to offer

to accept

to confirm


Answers : 1D    2C    3D    4B    5C    6C


Student : So, the meeting is at four, right ?
Teacher : That's right.

to confirm

to announce

to instruct

to praise


Director : We need someone to draw the curtain at this point.
Stage hand : Well, I'll be free then. I can do it.

to accept

to agree

to confirm

to volunteer


Fay : I don't really feel like going.
George : Oh come on ! We're all going. It'll be lots of fun.

to invite

to persuade

to beg

to suggest


Son : Mum, I failed my English ! I don't know how it happened. What shall I do now ?

to express anxiety

to express disappointment

to express surprise

to express shock


Wife : Well, I'm ready !
Husband : Why don't you dress more smartly ? Do you like to look a mess ?

to express anxiety

to request

to persuade

to criticize


Girl : How can I ever trust you in future ?
Boy : On my honor, darling, I won't ever lie to you again.

to claim

to explain

to promise

to inform


Answers : 1A    2D    3B    4A    5D    6C


Teacher 1 : They've improved considerably. Nowadays, they can even write whole paragraphs without making many mistakes.
Teacher 2 : How did you do it ?

to express satisfaction

to express hope

to express admiration

to express likes


Patient : It's really boring, lying in bed all day.
Visitor : Well, you'll soon be up and about. Perhaps you should take up knitting or something.

to console

to advise

to instruct

to suggest


Father : What are you thinking of doing after Form Five ?
Son : Well, if I do well enough to get to the sixth form, I'd like to do my STP.

to express interest

to express likes

to express hope

to express satisfaction


Girl 1 : You think I lied, don't you ? You think I never went to school that day at all ?
Girl 2 : Exactly. I've just realized how wrong I've been to trust you.

to express satisfaction

to confirm

to accept

to allow


Girl 1 : Why can't you even try to be punctual once in a while ?
Boy : Of course, I do ! I just can't help being held up at times.

to deny

to explain

to apologize

to express fear


Runner : I just can't go on anymore.
Friend : Come on ! You can make it if you try.

to support

to encourage

to order

to express admiration


Answers : 1A    2A    3C    4B    5A    6B

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