Sunday 22 June 2014

Can you find the errors in these sentences

1.He was quite amusing when he heard what had happened.
2.Turn left by the crossroads when you reach it.
3.He has been working here for sometimes.
4.He stopped to see if he could picked up the trail.
5.Although he jumped aside, but the stone hit him.
6.decided to climbed to the top of the hill to get a betterview.
7.He jumped down after shouted a warning to those standingbelow.
8.After a few minutes, I look up and saw that it was getting dark.
9.saw the blind man crossed the busy road without anyhelp.
10.The robber gave the victim with a hard blow.


1.     He was quite amused when he heard what had happened.
2.     Turn left at the crossroads when you reach it.
3.     He has been working here for some times.
4.     He stopped to see if he could pick up the trail.
5.    Although he jumped aside, yet the stone hit him.
6.     I decided to climb to the top of the hill to get a better view.
7.     He jumped down after shouting a warning to those standing below
8.     After a few minutes, I looked up and saw that it was getting dark.
9.     I saw the blind man crossing the busy road without any help.
10.   The robber gave the victim a hard blow.

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