Monday 7 March 2016

Topic Adjectives and Prepositions

1 Ronald is particularly fond ____ jelly beans.
A| of B| at C| on

2 Shirley is keen ____ horses.
A| on B| to C| with

3 I am only interested ______ making money, baby.
A| with B| to C| in

4 Mr. Goodson is good _____ basketball.
A| about B| at C| on

5 I am absolutely fascinated ______ nature.
A| for B| about C| by

6 Gary is terrified _______ spiders.
A| of B| with C| to

7 I am annoyed ________ her attitude.
A| with B| for C| against

8 What are you afraid ______?
A| to B| with C| of

9 He is really shy ______ girls.
A| at B| with C| for

10 The taste is different _________ what I had expected.
A| with B| from C| about

11 I’m addicted _____ these sweets. I love them!
A| at B| on C| to

12 You should be ashamed _____ your behavior!
A| of B| from C| to

13 Are you aware _____ the new guidelines?
A| of B| to C| on

14 I’m so jealous _____ her new cellphone!
A| of B| with C| at

15 People are getting fed up _____ these high prices.
A| with B| on C| for

16 His mother was so proud _____ him when he got into Harvard.
A| of B| to C| with

17 I’m used _____ spicy curries. I once lived in Sri Lanka for a year.
A| at B| with C| to

18 What’s wrong _____ this tap? I can’t turn it off.
A| with B| on C| for

19 He’s really bad _____ tennis. You’ll beat him easily.
A| with B| at C| for

20 I’m rather impressed _____ the new BMW.
A| for B| with C| to

21 Are you related _____ Mr. Smithers?
A| to B| on C| at

22 I’m really sensitive _____ loud noises.
A| to B| from C| on

23 This safe is full _____ cash.
A| of B| with C| at

24 We’ll keep you safe _____ harm.
A| with B| at C| from

25 Australia is famous _____ kangaroos and other odd creatures.
A| on B| for C| with

Answer Key:
1| A 2| A 3| C 4| B 5| C 6| A 7| A 8| C 9| B 10| B 11| C 12| A 13| A 14| A 15| A
16| A 17| C 18| A 19| B 20| B 21| A 22| A 23| A 24| C 25| B

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