Saturday 9 August 2014


Congratulations to our July Students of the Month



Congratulations to our Students of the Month for July, 2014!! Firdaus and Fahim "the dynamic duo" have done wonderful work and are very deserving! Keep up the good work.

Thursday 7 August 2014

My favourite time of the day

My favourite time of the day is between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. This is the time when the sun is setting and the air is cooling down. At this time I either go for a stroll, play some games or sit quietly watching the activities around me.
Sitting quietly doing nothing in particular is what I like most.

The compound surrounding my house is a fairly large one. So my father has planted many trees in it. Birds of all sorts come to the trees in the evening to sing their sweet songs. I just sit under my favourite rambutan tree and listen to these lovely songs.

However I cannot just sit quietly all the time. My parents sometimes ask me to mow the lawn or help them in some gardening tasks. These I do gladly for the air is nice and cool. Working under a hot sun is one thing I do not like. In the evening the sun is soft and gentle. It is pleasant to potter around the garden then.

Other times I might go out for a stroll or play games with my friends.

Again it is pleasant to stroll around or play games when the sun is not hot in the evening. In fact many people come out of their houses to breathe in the cool evening air and to relax a bit, unless it is raining. This is the time of the day when the playing fields, parks and other recreational areas are filled with people. I guess it is not only my favourite time of the day. It is many people's favourite time as well.

mow to cut plants
potter to move about without hurrying and in a relaxed and pleasant way
stroll to walk in a slow relaxed manner

Sunday 3 August 2014


Mr Bean goes to the local store to buy something to eat for is dinner he starts to make small talk about the weather with the owner of the store.
Mr Bean: - Good morning!
Shopkeeper: - Morning. How’s are you today?
Mr Bean: - Not so bad, thanks, you?
Shopkeeper: - Am good, apart from all this rain! It’s chucking down again!
Mr Bean: - Yes, it’s awful, isn’t it? And it is very cold!
Shopkeeper: - The weather forecast said it will brighten up after lunch.
Mr Bean: - They always say that! Still, I can’t complain it’s a lot warmer than back home.
Shopkeeper: - Really? Where are you from?
Mr Bean: - Am from Russia
 Shopkeeper: - What’s the weather like in Russia now?
Mr Bean: - Freezing cold, and snowing.
Shopkeeper: - Right! So this must be like summer for you!
Mr Bean: - Right! But I do like the snow sometimes.